eSafety Package


We are proudly certified to deliver social media safety programs across Australia, by the Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner 

Tricia Munn from Eyes Open Social Media spent a number of days
at our school with our students, teachers and parents. The impact
Tricia had over these days is still being felt amongst the community
as Tricia’s message continues to be spread by the parents who
attended the workshops. Our students have a greater knowledge
and possibly respect for the purposes and pitfalls of social media
sites. Thank you, Tricia for you time spent at St Luke’s.

Susan Wilson

Head of Primary, St Luke’s Anglican School

People come to the school and tell us not to post and what happens if your do etc, but you showed us what to do, so we can still post but fully understand how to best protect ourselves.
Charlotte E


I really liked the presentation you used when you visited our school because it really showed me the dangers of using social media as well as showing me be how to be safe online. I enjoyed it because it was quite informative and fun, by showing what to do instead of just telling me. I also liked how you showed me how to make sure I wasn’t trusting everyone online, to fully enjoy it without putting myself in danger.

Student, Brigidine College

Thank you so much for the talks for the first couple of weeks. I found it very interesting learning how to do this. In particular i found it interesting how to secure your accounts probably, because the only one that I knew was, how to change your account to private account . It sort of scared me slightly in a good way, so I know that I am being safe with social media. Now I actually  know that my accounts for Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat need to be secured probably. Thank you so much again Tricia.

Student, Brigidine College