



Introductio Section
About Section

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Introduction Section

<p><a href=”#”>topic-1</a></p>

<p><a href=”#”>topic-1</a></p>

About Section

<p><a href=”#”>topic-3</a></p>

<p><a href=”#”>topic-4</a></p>

Social Media Challenges and the Risks the Pose

Social Media Challenges and the Risks the Pose

Whilst social media challenges may seem like harmless fun, there is often a privacy issue and a more sinister reason for their creation than you may expect. To find out more, watch the safety tip video we kept for you from our Facebook Live Safety Tips...

Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace

Marketplace is a relatively new feature on the Facebook app.  If you don’t know what it is or how it could pose a risk, have a look at the Safety Tips we saved for you from our Facebook Live Safety Tip...

Online Dating

Online Dating

Online dating is something that we would never suggest for our younger members.  Navigating the apps safely is a difficult task and a huge responsibility.  A missed security setting in the set up could lead to a complete stranger knowing where you live or go to...